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Zach hage

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BLECH. Now that we’ve gotten the technical stuff out of the way, let me tell you why you actually want to hire me for <PLEASE INSERT YOUR POSITION HERE>.


I have ADHD.


WAITWAITWAIT don’t leave yet. I can focus. I’m a good boy, I promise. That’s not why I told you that. I’m saying I need more dopamine than the average person. People do that in many different ways. For me, that’s storytelling.


It’s literally all I think about. I know a lot of people say that, but another thing about ADHD is that it’s very easy to hyperfixate on things. My hyperfixation is getting the biggest and best possible reaction every time I open my mouth or show something I’ve made because there’s nothing that gives me a greater sense of success.


Whether it’s making your audience laugh, cry, or both, let me help you tell your story. There’s no greater gift you could grant me.


Major: Advertising

3.92 GPA

Art Direction and Graphic Design

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